Metal Button Badge
Shri Mataji metal button badge is a spiritual product that features the image of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, a spiritual teacher and founder of Sahaja Yoga. These badges come with a picture of Shri Mataji and it is designed to serve as a reminder of her teachings and to help followers connect with her energy and guidance. They are made of metal and come in a variety of sizes and designs, some feature a picture of Shri Mataji, others have a symbol associated with her.
They are small and lightweight, making them easy to carry around and access whenever you need a reminder of her teachings. These metal badges are more durable than other materials and can be used as a decorative item or as a symbol of devotion to Shri Mataji for a long time. They are perfect for followers of Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga, as well as for those interested in spiritual practices and teachings.
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